The Anglican Church in Melbourne is a leader in the area of chaplaincy through the appointment of well trained and supported Anglican chaplains and its work in cooperation with other major Christian denominations and in conjunction with the hospitals in which chaplains minister. The Anglican church advocates strongly for the growing acceptance of the value of chaplaincy in hospitals.

All Anglican chaplains must have completed a course in Clinical Pastoral Education and have some training in ministry and theology. Many Anglican chaplains are ordained as priests or deacons and some are lay people.

Healthcare Chaplaincy

How Anglican chaplaincy is accessed has changed as hospitals updated their policies in response to the COVID pandemic. Most public hospitals now require patients to ask their nurse to place a referral for a Spiritual Carer to attend them prior to contact being made by the chaplain/spiritual carer.

If you or your loved one is in need of Anglican chaplaincy, please contact the Spiritual Care Department of the hospital in which they are a patient and request a visit from an Anglican Chaplain, Spiritual Care Practitioner or contact the Coordinator, Healthcare chaplaincy, The Reverend Dawn Treloar at

In her role as Coordinator, Healthcare chaplaincy, The Reverend Dawn Treloar supports 25 Anglican Healthcare Chaplains, providing training, pastoral support and facilitating ministry and funding for Healthcare chaplains. As the diocese shifts to new models of providing Healthcare chaplaincy across the diocese training is also being provided for parish clergy in the skills needed for end of life care and support in critical care situations in hospitals.